Twitter Analytics Package

Twitter has opened up its analytics package to all users and it’s FREE – think of it as ‘Google analytics for tweets’.

From individual users through to big brands, all users now have access to intelligence on the performance and impact of their Twitter activity. You can now see how many views your tweets have had. It also gives a breakdown of your followers including gender, locations and interest.

Armed with this level of information, you can learn how to make your Tweets more engaging for your followers.

Go to to see how people engage with your Tweets.

What does it tell you?
The analytics are split across three dashboards:
1. Tweets Activity – how each individual tweet performed.
2. Followers – the demographics and interests of your followers, plus how your follower volumes have changed.
3. Twitter cards – (if you use them)

Tweets Activity Dashboard
For each Tweet you send you can see:
Impressions – the volume of users that saw the Tweet
Engagement – Total number of times a user has interacted with a Tweet.
Engagement Rate – % of impressions that engaged with the Tweet.

Followers Dashboard
The follower dashboard shows you:
Follower volume – how they’ve changed over time.
Follower interests – are they into celebrity gossip or business?
Follower locations – by country and city.
Follower gender – the split between male and female.
Who your followers follow – are your followers into Justin Beiber or @AxaAlStewart?

Twitter Cards Dashboard
If you use Twitter Cards, you can view how your content is performing on Twitter (one for a future “Did you know?…)

Enhance engagement – learn from the data.
The level of insight is only useful if you act on it to increase engagement. Here’s some suggestions on how you could utilise the data:

Do the follower demographics and interests fit your target audience?

What’s the point of having 1000s of followers if they’re the wrong type of person? Increase the appeal of your tweets to your target market.

What other interests do your followers have?
Movies, sport or fashion? Write content that appeals to your audience – Insurance is rarely a hot topic, even for business users.

What types of Tweets generated the highest and lowest Engagement Rate?
Is there any pattern to what makes your users Reply, Retweet, Favourite or follow a link?

Who your followers follow?
I’ll wager that @insTimesNews and @InsuranceAge are high up for every broker. Imagine you’re a motor trade specialist and @MotorTraderMag was there instead, you’d know that your Twitter account was relevant and appealing to your target audience.

Get in touch

We would be pleased to talk through the options with you, give us a call on 0161 831 7199.

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