Reading Speed

Research indicates that reading speeds are 25% slower online compared to paper. Andy Cox at Ignition explores what this means for you when writing copy for your website.

Web pages filled with information are a turn off
An odd statement? Visitors go to a website for information, don’t they? True, but the fact is that the average user very rarely reads word for word when they get there. Whilst this is a general challenge for all websites it is arguably even more of an issue when trying to land multiple reasons (simple and complex) to explain why they really need your help with their Insurance needs. The issue of course isn’t limited to the online world – as an industry we produce reams of printed material (regulation doesn’t help) that we know ends up unread in the customers recycling. Online or offline, information overload is a turn off.

Slower online reading speeds
The problem is online reading speeds are slow – research indicates up to 25% slower than on paper. Combine this average page view times of less than one minute and it becomes clear that word-by-word reading just doesn’t happen. Not sure? take a look at your site’s “Average Time on Page” – by volume the majority of page views are likely to be over in seconds.

Write for online not for print
On average a user will stay on your web pages for enough time to read just 28% of your content. Instead web users scan content, picking out just enough information to get an idea of what’s being said.
The key to making your web content more readable is to make it scannable. For example a common mistake is to copy brochure content into your About Us page. Frankly they are unlikely to read much of it and you risk missing out on bringing to their attention something really memorable about your business.

Top ten tips to make your web content “Scannable”

1. Label with headings and sub headings – they give readers an idea of what your content is about and help users go straight to the content they need.
2. Front-load everything – your most important paragraphs should be at the top. Every paragraph should start with the main point.
3. Limit paragraphs to just one idea – helps break content into bite size chunks (especially under 60 words).
4. Add variety – vary your sentence and paragraph lengths. One sentence paragraphs are fine every now and again. Fragmented sentences standout too.
5. Use bulleted lists – they make complex ideas easy to scan and provide a visual break for readers. (But don’t repeat the same word at the start of each bullet).
6. Highlight keywords and important concepts – bold or italics make important ideas standout.
7. Embrace white space – content becomes user-friendly when you add line breaks and surround with white space.
8. Edit – focus on content that will add real value then strip out every unnecessary paragraph, sentence and word. If you need more detail, put it in a download.
9. Big bold buttons – anyone with very young children know that sites like Cbeebies are easy to interact with without most users being able to read through clever design, colours and visual prompts
10. Think (or ideally ask) customers - what do they want to know? The chances of them looking for a technical synopsis of an Insurance cover is a lot less likely than checking if you have parking nearby…

Before you put your content online, read it through as a skim reader would. Do you get the essence just by picking out your headings and keywords? If you can, your content is ready to go live.

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We would be pleased to talk through the options with you, give us a call on 0161 831 7199.

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